2023-2024 SunUte Youth Basketball Registration

IT’S YOUTH BASKETBALL SEASON at SunUte!!!!!  Youth basketball registration opens October 6-November 30, 2023.  Practices begin December 11, 2023.  Games will be held on Saturdays beginning January 6-February 10, 2024.  […]

November Beading for Veterans

Volunteers needed to help bead pins and caps. Must know how to bead Supplies will be provided All skills and assistance will be appreciated. Lunch and snacks will also be […]

Southern Ute Financial Plan Town Hall

The Financial Plan Update is a priority of Tribal Council and membership. Tribal Members are encouraged to attend in person or via Web-Ex to learn about updates. Attendance is only […]

November SU MPF Sip, Chat, & Chew

The Southern Ute Multi-Purpose Facility would like to invite all Utes and their families to the November Sip, Chat, and Chew taking place on November 9, 2023, from 11:30 a.m. […]

Breastfeeding and Health Luncheon

Join Shining Mountain Health and Wellness staff on Thursday, November 9th, at the MC building for some “Knowledge is POWER” to help prevent diabetes with nutrition through pregnancy and after.  […]

Veteran’s Day – Tribal Entity Offices CLOSED

The Southern Ute Permanent Fund, Growth Fund, and SUSS offices will be closed on November 10, 2023, in honor of the federal Veteran’s Day holiday.  Normal business hours will resume […]

Southern Ute Health Center CLOSED

The Southern Ute Tribal Health Department will be closed on November 10th in observance of Veterans Day. If you have any questions, please call 970-563-4581. Thank you.