Southern Ute Indian Tribe

Cedar Point Homesite Information

Department of Natural Resources

Lands Coordinator

Wendell Vigil – Trainee

Lands Specialist

Tammie Begay

Contacts for Homeowners

  • SUIT Tribal Housing – 970-563-4710
  • Lands Division, DNR – 970-563-0126
  • Tribal Credit/Loan Department – 970-563-4744
  • Animal Control – 970-563-0133
  • Southern Ute Police Department – 970-563-0246 (business hours) – 970-563-4401 (emergencies)

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I want to build a deck or addition that will be attached to my home which Department/Division would I need to notify?
    • Tribal Housing – Contact Housing at 970-563-4710 with development plans for new additions, porches, decks and structure improvements. Tribal Housing will share the plans with the Lands Division, which will review the proposed location of new addition/structure to determine that the development occurs within the boundaries of the homesite area.) The plans will be reviewed and you should receive authorization from the Tribe.
  2. I want to build a fence which Department/Division would I need to notify?
    • Lands Division – review your assignment boundary and approve the installation of a fence. The fence must be six (6) feet or under.
  3. My neighbors are having loud parties, who should I call?
    • SUPD at 970-563-0246 or for emergencies 970-563-4401
  4. My neighbors dogs are running loose whom should I call?
    • Animal Control at 970-563-0133 during business hours or SUPD.
  5. If I have a question about my SUIT Mortgage balance, whom should I call? (If you have financed with another entity contact that entity.)
    • Tribal Credit at 970-563-4744
  6. Who will maintain the roads, sidewalks and individual driveways in the winter?
    • The BIA has agreed to maintain the Cedar Point roads. However, each homeowner will be responsible for maintenance of their sidewalk and driveway. It will be important to shovel snow regularly and not allow the snow to build up as ice can form and make the driveways and sidewalks impossible to maneuver on.
  7. I want to rent my home in Cedar Point and move to Denver?
    • Cedar Point homesites must be used as your principal residence, please contact the Lands Division to discuss options to sell or transfer your interest in the home.
  8. Do I have a current beneficiary for my assignment in Cedar Point?
    • Lands division at 970-563-0126
  9. Where can I get copies of my assignment or lease records related to Cedar Point?
    • Lands division at 970-563-0126
  10. Where can I get copies of my loan history?
    • If you financed your mortgage with the Tribe, contact Tribal Credit at 970-563-4744 or contact your mortgage company.
  11. Questions related to issues that may arise with your home?
    • Contact SUIT Construction Services 970-563-0260
  12. Questions related to domestic water, sewer or natural gas?
    • Contact Tribal Utilities 970-563-4710

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