Range Division Head
Jason Mietchen
(970) 563-4780
Grazing Permits
The Range Division administers the grazing permit program for Tribal rangelands. The Division oversees advertisement, application, preparation, and compliance of grazing permits.
Short-term pasture leasing
The Range Division prepares all short-term pasture leases for Tribal land, assigned or unassigned. The Division is responsible for pre-lease inspections, application processing, lease preparation, and compliance of short-term pasture leases.
Compliance of surface disturbance
The Range Division participates in on-site inspections for energy-related projects on tribal lands as the designated representative for DNR and drafts on-site inspection reports and site-specific stipulations for such lands. The Range Division then submits the inspection reports and stipulations to DOE and the BIA.
For energy-related activities on assigned tribal lands, the Range Division completes the Assignment Assessment form, submits it to the Lands Division, and prepares recommendations regarding whether improvements will be impacted by the proposed development on the Tribal Assignment.
The Range Division is responsible for generating surface reclamation stipulations for Plug and Abandonment of well sites and Decommissioning of compressor sites, pipelines, and other gas/oil facilities.
The Range Division conducts inspections to determine compliance as it relates to mitigation of impacts from surface disturbing activities and all phases of surface reclamation on energy-related rights-of-way, surface leases, and associated facilities on Tribal Lands to ensure that both general and site-specific stipulations are adhered to pertaining to new construction and maintenance of existing facilities.
Range Improvement Maintenance
The Division conducts projects to maintain or construct range improvements on Tribal range units in response to resource needs/protection. This is subject to budget funding levels.
Wildland Fire Suppression Assistance
The Division assists with wildfire suppression to BIA Fire Management during fire season on the reservation, and also assists with prescribed burning for resource benefit and fuels reduction.
Weed Management
Weed Management provides the service of weed control on Tribal range units.
Mowing Project Management
This program provides the service of managing brush on Tribal range units through mechanical mowing. Brush is mowed to improve habitat and maintain access to range improvements such as fences.
Habitat and Range Improvement Project Management
Provides the service of planning and implementing projects designed to improve habitat. Projects may include pond construction/cleaning, water well development, catchment development, spring maintenance, erosion control, feral horse management, reseeding, tree planting, etc.
Services to Tribal Members
- Provides professional technical advice on proper grazing management and property management to all Tribal members and programs who request it. This includes property evaluations, grazing plans, pasture design, etc.
- Provides plant identification services to any Tribal member or program requesting it.
- Provides resource assessment to support Tribal land assignments or purchases.
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