Southern Ute Indian Tribe


Welcome to Southern Ute Royalty. For more information, visit royalty committee.

Current 2024 – 2025 Southern Ute Royalty

2024-2025 Royalty
2024-2025 Royalty (left to right): Little Miss Southern Ute – Malia White Thunder, Jr Miss Southern Ute – Leandra Litz, Miss Southern Ute Maleina Carel, Little Miss Southern Ute Alternate – Olyvia Watts, Southern Ute Brave – Theoden Greany


2024-2025 Royalty (left to right): Little Miss Southern Ute Alternate - Olyvia Watts, Jr Miss Southern Ute - Leandra Litz, Miss Southern Ute Maleina Carel, Little Miss Southern Ute - Malia White Thunder, Southern Ute Brave - Theoden Greany
2024-2025 Royalty (left to right): Little Miss Southern Ute Alternate – Olyvia Watts, Jr. Miss Southern Ute – Leandra Litz, Miss Southern Ute Maleina Carel, Little Miss Southern Ute – Malia White Thunder, Southern Ute Brave – Theoden Greany


2024-2025 Miss Southern Ute Maleina Carel
2024-2025 Miss Southern Ute – Maleina Carel

Miss Southern Ute Quarterly Report


My name is Maleina Carel and I’m currently the Miss Southern Ute for 2024-2025.  I’m 16 years old and currently in the 11th grade this school year. My bands are Mouache-Capote and Weenuche.

My maternal grandparents are Hardy Joy Sr. and the late Anna Weaver. My great grandparents on my paternal grandparent side are James Price Sr. and Linda Lopez of Towaoc, Colo. My paternal grandparents are the late Vernest Carel and Marlene Price Carel. I have one older sister Rhianna Carel.

I also serve on the Sunshine Cloud Smith Youth Advisory Council.

I would like to share my first quarterly report of the events that I have attended and participated as my reign as the Miss Southern Ute for 2024-2025 started on Sept. 6, 2024, where my Jr. Miss Southern Ute reign for 2023-2024 ended and I was then newly crowned as the Miss Southern Ute for 2024-2025 at our 64th annual Southern Ute Tribal Fair & Powwow.

September events

I attended the Southern Ute Tribal Fair Rodeo. I gave an introduction and welcomed everyone in attendance and helped with honoring the past rodeo queens, I traveled to Montrose, Colo. and attended the Uncompahgre Powwow, I attended the Ms. Indigenous Pageant at San Juan College in Farmington, N.M. I supported and welcomed the newly crowned Ms. Indigenous San Juan College 2024-2025, Keena Jim and my last event that I attended for the month of September was the Drums of Fall Powwow at McGee Park Coliseum in Farmington, N.M.

October events

I attended the Open House at Southern Ute Education where I participated in the scavenger hunt and met all the Education departments and their faculty. I traveled to Towaoc, Colo. and participated in the parade and enjoyed the day with the sister Tribe celebrating their Ute Day. I attended the Indigenous Peoples Day Solidarity Walk-Festival at the Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colo. I attended and participated in the Breast Cancer Awareness Walk and the 2024 Breast Cancer Awareness Dinner and Survivor Celebration that the Shining Mountain Health & Wellness invited the Royalty to be a part of. It was very informative, and the dinner was very good. My last event was the Homecoming parade that I rode along with the Little Miss Southern Ute Alternate and Jr. Miss Southern Ute.

November events

I was asked to be Head Women for the Intertribal Powwow San Luis American Center on Nov. 2 held at the Boys & Girls Club in Alamosa, Colo. It was an honor to be asked to be Head Women for this Powwow and I held a Northern Traditional Cloth special. It was a nice little powwow, and the head staff were very welcoming and very accommodating.

I attended the Veterans Day Community Powwow here in Ignacio, Colo. held at the Ignacio High School, the Veterans Community Brunch held at the Multipurpose Facility, Wanbli Ota Social Dance at the Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colo. The Southern Ute Tribal Thanksgiving dinner held at the Sky Ute Casino Resort Events Center, I attended dance performances for the following schools for Native American Heritage Month: Ignacio High School, Ignacio Middle School, Bayfield Primary and Intermediate School, Park Elementary Assembly and we supported a former royalty at her school at Florida Mesa Elementary and joined her in a dance performance, I attended Sip, Chat and Chew at the Multi-Purpose

Facility and helped serve the elders and enjoyed the company of everyone in attendance, I attended Native Fun in honor of Native American Heritage Month held at the Southern Ute Indian Montessori Academy where the royalty did a dance performance and lastly, I traveled to Fort Duchesne, Utah to attend and participated in the Thanksgiving Powwow held at the Fort Duchesne gym. It was nice to spend the Thanksgiving weekend with our Ute sister Tribe.

This concludes my events and participation in my quarterly report. I hope you have enjoyed reading and seeing all the events that I have been to so far. I have enjoyed traveling and I’m looking forward to many more events. I want to wish you all Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas. May the Creator watch over every one of you and send blessings to you and your families.


Malenia Carel
Miss Southern Ute


2024 - 2025 Jr. Miss Southern Ute - Leandra Litz
2024 – 2025 Jr. Miss Southern Ute – Leandra Litz

Jr. Miss Southern Ute Quarterly Report

Mayqkh Pinonuuchiu puan,

Greetings my name is Leandra Litz, I am the 2024-2025 Jr. Miss Southern Ute.

My Ute name is Thunder Cloud Young Lady given to me by my auntie Hilda Burch. I am Southern Ute and Diné. I come from the Mouache and Capota bands. My Diné clans are Mexican Clan (mother’s clan) and Zuni Edge Water Clan (maternal grandfathers clan). My mom is Alyssa Nez and my dad is Leandro Litz. I have three little brothers: Dwight, Leandro Jr. and Tavach. My paternal grandparents are Nicole Lansing and the late Randall Litz. My paternal great-grandparents are Judy Burch Lansing, the late Dwight Lansing, Alethea Gunn and the late Gilbert Litz. My maternal grandparents are Fannie Yazzie and Darrell Nez.

I am very grateful to be in this position as it is one of the many things I am passionate about. I go to school at Ignacio High School and I’m in the 10th grade. I am on the Student Council and the Yearbook Committee. I like to draw and write in my own time. I enjoy playing sports. I currently play for Ignacio’s girls Varsity and JV basketball team. I have also played soccer and volleyball for my school. I enjoy spending time with my family, friends and my cat. I like to attend cultural events on and off the reservation. I also like to go back home to my Diné side to help my grandpa and spend time with my horse.

I am currently serving a two-year term on the Colorado Youth Advisory Council (COYAC) where I represent this district and the Southern Ute Tribe. I look forward to learning as much as I can in this position. I am honored to be given this opportunity to be an ambassador once again. I will continue to represent the Southern Ute Indian Tribe with honor and respect. As the months get colder don’t forget to check on elders. Have fun and safe holidays, full of love and laughter.


Here’s a list of events I have attended so far.

September 2024

  • 9-6-Southern Ute Fair & Powwow (I was crowned 2024-2025 Jr. Miss Southern Ute)
  • 9-7 Southern Ute Fair parade
  • 9-7 Sip, Chat and Chew. (Greeted our sister Tribes)
  • 9-13 Southern Ute Fair Rodeo
  • 9-14 Southern Ute Fair Rodeo
  • 9-21 Miss Indian New Mexico Farewell Event, Dulce, N.M.

October 2024

  • 10-5 Cowboy parade, Durango, Colo.
  • 10-5 Northern Navajo Nation Fair Powwow, Shiprock, N.M.
  • 10-9 Southern Ute Education Center, Open House, Ignacio, Colo.
  • 10-17 Ignacio High School Homecoming parade, Ignacio, Colo.

November 2024

  • 11-2 San Luis Valley Powwow, Alamosa, Colo.
  • 11-9 Community Veterans Powwow, Ignacio, Colo.
  • 11-10 Community Veterans Powwow, Ignacio, Colo.
  • 11-14 Wanbli-Ota Social Dance, For Lewis College, Durango, Colo. I got interviewed during this event.
  • 11-16 Southern Ute Tribal Thanksgiving Meal, Ignacio, Colo.
  • 11-20 Ignacio High School Native American Heritage Month event. Ignacio, Colo.
  • 11-20 Juniper School Native American Heritage Month event. Durango, Colo.
  • 11-21 Ignacio Middle School Native American Month event. Ignacio, Colo.
  • 11-21 Out Runnin’ Diabetes run/walk, Ignacio, Colo.
  • 11-21 Bayfield Primary School Native American Heritage Month event. Bayfield, Colo.
  • 11-21 Bayfield Intermediate School Native American Heritage Month event. Bayfield, Colo.
  • 11-22 Park Elementary School Native American Heritage Month event. Durango, Colo.
  • 11-22 Sip, Chat, and Chew. Ignacio, Colo.
  • 11-27 Utes got Talent Show. Towaoc, Colo

Leandra Litz
Jr. Miss Southern Ute

2024 - 2025 Little Miss Southern Ute -Malia White Thunder
2024 – 2025 Little Miss Southern Ute -Malia White Thunder


Little Miss Southern Ute Quarterly Report

Mique Nuuchiu,

My name is Malia Nakohe’ Menoh (Digging Bear) White Thunder. My Ute name is Yuvanasi’r “Autumn Rose.”

My grandmother Mikki gave me that name because I was born in Autumn, and the rose signifies our people. I am the current 2024-2025 Little Miss Southern Ute.

I am nine years old, and I attend school at Florida Mesa Elementary in Durango, Colo. in the third grade.

My mother is Heather White Thunder, and my father is Seth Roubideaux. My paternal grandmother is Mikki Naranjo, and my great­ grandparents are the late Eugene Naranjo and the late Dixie Naranjo. My maternal grandparents are Bobbie White Thunder from El Reno, Okla., and the late Ross Denny. I come from the Moache-Capote bands.

This is my first quarterly report as the 2024-2025 Little Miss Southern Ute for the months of September – November, 2024.


  • 6-8: I was crowned as Little Miss Southern Ute at the Southern Ute Tribal Fair & Powwow.
  • 21: I attended the Uncompahgre Powwow in Montrose, Colo.


  • 5: I participated in the Cowboy Parade in Durango, Colo.
  • 11-13: I attended and danced at the 2024 He Sapa Wacipi (Black Hills Powwow) in Rapid City, S.D.
  • 22: I attended the Breast Cancer Awareness Dinner.
  • 25: I attended the Grand Opening of the new Dancing Spirit Center for the Arts building.


  • 9-10: I attended the Veterans Powwow at Ignacio High School.
  • 16: I attended the annual Tribal Thanksgiving Dinner.
  • 19: I did a school presentation to my third-grade classes. I did a greeting and danced for them and answered questions.
  • 20: I attended the Ignacio High School and The Juniper School in Durango, Colo. to greet students and dance for Native American Heritage Month.
  • 21: I attended Bayfield Primary and Intermediate Schools to greet students and dance for Native American Heritage Month.
  • 22: I attended Park Elementary in Durango to greet students and dance for Native American Heritage Month.
  • 28-30: I traveled to Ft. Duchesne, Utah to attend the Thanksgiving Powwow.

I am excited to represent and travel to meet new people. This is my first year as Royalty and it’s been really fun!


Malia Nakohe’ Menoh White Thunder
Little Miss Southern Ute

2024 - 2025 Little Miss Southern Ute Alternate - Olyvia Watts
2024 – 2025 Little Miss Southern Ute Alternate – Olyvia Watts


Little Miss Southern Ute Alternate Quarterly Report

Maykh’ Nuchu,

Greetings, my name is Olyvia Winter-Fawn Watts, and I am proud and honored to hold the title as your 2024-2025 Little Miss Southern Ute Alternate.

My father is Orion Watts, my mother is Jalisa Paul, and my brother is Orion Watts Jr. My paternal grandparents are Bo Watts and Laurie Monte. My maternal grandparents are Jimmy Paul (deceased) and Tara Vigil.

I am 10 years old and currently in the fourth grade at Ignacio Elementary. I am a member of the Ignacio Elementary Student Council and have been since I was in second grade. I am a fancy, jingle, and traditional dress dancer. I participate in gymnastics, soccer, volleyball, and basketball. I have recently learned to make ribbon skirts and would like to use my teachings to make skirts for other young girls so we can all represent with pride.

I have enjoyed representing my people thus far and look forward to what the rest of my reign brings. Here is a list of events and travels I have had the pleasure to participate in since I was crowned on Sept. 6, 2024.


  • 7 – 8: Southern Ute Tribal Fair Powwow, helped serve meal, and won Best Royalty Float in the parade.
  • 14: Southern Ute Tribal Fair Rodeo.
  • 20 – 21: Honolulu Intertribal Powwow in Hawaii.


  • 5: Cowboy Parade- Royalty won best youth entry.
  • 9: Southern Ute Education Center Open House.
  • 13: Ute Day in Towaoc, Colo.
  • 17: Breast Cancer Awareness Walk.
  • 17: Ignacio Homecoming Parade.


  • 9 – 10: Veterans Powwow at Ignacio High School.
  • 11: Veterans Breakfast at Multi-Purpose Building.
  • 16: Southern Ute Tribal Thanksgiving Dinner at Sky Ute Casino.
  • 17: Tatonka Means Meet and Greet at Sky Ute Casino.
  • Native American Heritage Month Performances:
  • 20: Ignacio High School
  • 20: Juniper School in Durango, Colo.
  • 21: Ignacio Middle School
  • 21: Bayfield Primary School
  • 21: Bayfield Intermediate School
  • 22: Park Elementary School in Durango, Colo.

I want to wish everyone a Hapy Holidays and blessings into the new year!


Olyvia Watts
Little Miss Southern Ute Alternate


2024 - 2025 Southern Ute Brave - Theoden Greany
2024 – 2025 Southern Ute Brave – Theoden Greany

Southern Ute Brave Quarterly Report

Maykh Nuuchiu,

Hello, and Happy Holidays to each and every one of you!

My name is Theoden Greany. I am the Southern Ute Brave for 2024-2025. I’m six years old and I attend school at the Southern Ute Montessori Academy.

My mother is Dominika Joy, my father is Bryan Greany. My siblings are Starlitt Greany and Mykel-Zain Greany. My grandma is Ella Ramos. My Great Grandma was the late Ann Weaver. My Great grandpa is Hardy Joy. My Paternal Grandpa was the late Clifton “Butch” Greany. My father’s linage comes from the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribe of Oklahoma.


  • I was selected on Sept. 6, 2024, for the title Southern Ute Brave 2024-2025 at the Southern Ute Fair Powwow.
  • 13 – 14: I attended and participated in the Southern Ute Tribal Rodeo, where I rode my very first mutton in honor of my late great grandmother Ann Weaver.
  • 15: I attended the Jicarilla Apache Nation Annual Go-Jii-Ya powwow in Stone Lake, N.M. (Where I placed 1st in a Jr Boys combined special.)
  • 21: I attended the Uncompahgre powwow in Montrose, Colo. (Where I placed 2nd in Jr Boys Fancy)
  • Sept 27 – 29: I attended the Morongo 33rd annual Thunder and Lightning powwow in Cabazon, Calif. (Where I placed 4th in Jr Boys Fancy.)


  • 5: I participated in the Durango Cowboy Parade alongside fellow royalties Jr Miss Southern Ute-Leandra Litz, Little Miss Southern Ute- Malia White Thunder, and Little Miss Southern Ute Alternate- Olyvia Watts (Where we won best youth entry.)
  • 9: I attended the Southern Ute Education Open House
  • 11: I attended and supported SUIMA staff at one of their fundraising events.
  • 13: I attended the Xavier Elias Sutton-Reed memorial dance in Concho, Okla. (Where I placed 1st in a Jr boys fancy special and in a Jr boys grass special)
  • 17: I attended the Shining Mountain Breast Cancer awareness walk.
  • 17: I participated in the Ignacio Homecoming Parade.
  • 18: I attended the Sip, Chat and Chew at the MPF. Where my SUIMA class and I were able to say the blessing.
  • 19 – 20: I attended the Red Canyon Powwow in Moab, Utah (Where I placed 1st in Jr Boys Fancy)
  • 22: I attended the Shining Mountain breast cancer awareness dinner and survivor celebration. (Where I was able to hear some very emotional survival testimonies)
  • 25: I attended the Grand Opening of Dancing Spirit. (I was very excited that it was finally open!)


  • 2; I was extremely thankful to have been invited to dance in the Denver Nuggets Halftime show in honor of Native American Heritage month at Ball Arena in Denver.
  • 9 – 10; I Attended the Veterans Day community powwow in Ignacio, Colo. Where I was able to hold an Elder Giveaway. (Thank you again to the Blackbird family, Elise and the committee for giving me that opportunity.)
  • 14; I attended the Wanbli Ota & AIBL Fall Social Dance at FLC in Durango, Colo.
  • 16: I attended our annual Tribal Thanksgiving dinner.
  • 20: I participated in a heritage performance at the Juniper School in Durango, Colo.
  • 21: I participated in a heritage performance at the Ignacio Middle School.
  • 21: I participated in a heritage performance at the Bayfield Primary School in Bayfield, Colo.
  • 21: I participated in a heritage performance at the Bayfield Elementary School in Bayfield, Colo.
  • 22: I participated in a heritage performance at Park Elementary in Durango, Colo.
  • 26: I attended the SUIMA Native Fun Event
  • 28 – 30: I attended the Thanksgiving Powwow in Fort Duchesne, Utah.

I’m very excited for my reign as the Southern Ute Brave 2024-2025 and I will do my best to continue to represent my Southern Ute people all over Indian Country.

Happy Holidays to all my Southern Ute Membership!

Theoden Greany
Southern Ute Brave

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