For Immediate Release: Significant Funding Secured: Southern Ute Indian Tribe Awarded $16.7 Million for Colorado River Initiatives

Melvin J. Baker, Chairman – 970.563.2320
Summer Begay, Communication Specialist– 970.563.2313


Significant Funding Secured: Southern Ute Indian Tribe Awarded $16.7 Million for Colorado River Initiatives

Southern Ute Indian Reservation – The Southern Ute Indian Tribe expresses its deep appreciation to the Bureau of Reclamation for awarding funding to support the replacement of the heading for the Pine River Canal. Announced this morning, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will provide $16.7M to support the replacement of the heading for the Pine River Canal, improving fish passage and riparian habitat. The new heading will include a fish screen and a bypass that will ensure the proper amount of water is sent downstream. The project also includes the restoration of over a half mile of Beaver Creek, a tributary to the Pine River to enhance fish habitat and promote a healthier river ecosystem for vulnerable fish species.

The project is a collaboration between the Tribe, the Pine River Canal Company, and the Spring Creek Extension Ditch Company. The reconstruction will also improve the efficiency and reliability of water delivery to approximately 23,000 acres of Tribal and non-Tribal agricultural land in Southwestern Colorado. The Tribe received support for this project from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, The Nature Conservancy, the Colorado Department of Natural Resources, Senators Michael F. Bennett and John Hickenlooper. The funding underscores the importance of collaborative partnerships with sovereign nations, fulfilling federal trust responsibilities, and safeguarding the vital native aquatic species that are integral to our region.

“This funding is a crucial step towards restoring the ecological health of the Pine River watershed, which runs through the heart of our Reservation. I applaud our Water Resources staff for their time and dedication in securing this critical funding,” stated Chairman Melvin J. Baker. “Drought conditions have created significant environmental challenges, impacting both wildlife and the livelihoods of over 400 Tribal and non-Tribal farmers and ranchers who rely on the Pine River Canal for water delivery. This funding will empower our staff to ensure the success and longevity of the system, much of which has remained unrepaired for decades.”

“The much-needed funding is a direct result of the tireless work of our team. Many canal headings within the Pine River Indian Irrigation Project are in desperate need of repair, harming both aquatic life and the livelihoods of our farmers and ranchers,” stated Water Resources Division Head, Mr. Pete Nylander. “The funding is a testament to upholding the strong principles of conservation that the Tribe holds dear.”

Projects across the State of Colorado were included in the first round of funding. The Southwestern Water Conservation District was awarded $25.6 million towards projects across the Dolores and San Juan River Basins. The funding will positively impact and support the Tribe by assisting with removal of invasive, water-guzzling plants such as tamarisk on the Animas River, which lies within the Reservation boundary.

The project represents a significant advancement in the Tribe’s commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable water management. The Southern Ute Indian Tribe looks forward to collaborating with the Bureau of Reclamation and other partners to successfully implement this vital project once awarded.

Significant Funding Secured SUIT Awarded $16.7 Million for Colorado River Initiatives Press Release Final PDF