SUSS PSA: Tribal Broadband Modernization Project: Phase II Fiber-to-the-Home Expansion 06142024

Melvin J. Baker, Chairman – 970.563.0100
Summer Begay, Communication Specialist – 970.563.2313
FOR RELEASE: June 14, 2024
Tribal Broadband Modernization Project: Phase II Fiber-to-the-Home Expansion
Where: Crews will be working within the Cedar Point and Ignacio Peak subdivisions along the following roads: Shadow Spirit St, Lodge Pole Way, Burning Cedar Ave, Arrow St, Fry Bread Ave, Sagebrush Ave, Elk St, Rolling Thunder Ave, Mountain Dew Cir, Red Dawn Ct, Gray Stroke Ct, Blue Moon Ct, Ignacio Peak Dr & Jefferson Dr. Crews will also be working along the following county roads: CR-516, CR-519, CR-520, CR-509, CR-509A, CR-514, CR-316, CR-317, CR-510 & CR-513.
Construction will take place along the edge of the roadways and/or behind sidewalk. Please see attached maps for more precise locations.
What: The Broadband Project will include trenching, boring, and plowing to install fiber, as well as reclamation and seeding. Construction vehicles and fiber spools will be visible on the edges of roadways.
When: Construction is ongoing. Hours of operation will be from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Travel Impact: Parking lanes, road shoulders, sidewalks and alleyways may be temporarily closed during operations. Motorists will be required to reduce speeds and travel safely around the construction taking place on the side of the road. Please remember to slow down in construction zones, eliminate distractions and drive with extra caution. Motorists are also urged to watch for ­workers and equipment along the roadway.
In the event of an emergency or to report a reckless driver, please contact the Southern Ute Police Department at 970-563-4401.
For more information about the Tribal Broadband Modernization Project, please visit