Sign Up for the Tribal Member Experience!

Southern Ute Tribal Members stay connected with news, departments, and resources by signing up for the Tribal Member Experience!

Please note account holders must be enrolled in the Southern Ute Indian Tribe and be 18 years of age or older.

To create a new account, please follow these steps:
1. Go to the Southern Ute Indian Tribe’s website at
2. Select “Members” at the top of the screen
3. Select “I need an account”
4. Complete the Tribal Member Access Request Form & click Submit

The request will be sent to TIS Vital Statistics for verification. SUSS will approve your account.

The login credentials will be sent to the email listed on the form. You may then create your password.

If you already have an account and need help resetting your password:
1. Please visit
2. Under “Getting Started Resources” select “Password Reset Instructions” and follow the guide.
3. Direct link:
Please do not create a new account.

For information, contact Tribal Council Affairs at 970-563-2313 or TIS Vital Statistics at 970-563-2248.
For technical assistance with existing accounts, contact SUDEP at 970-563-5555.

– Summer Begay, Communication Specialist