For Immediate Release: Southern Ute Indian Tribe Celebrates Reaffirmation of AAA Credit Rating

Melvin J. Baker, Chairman – 970.563.2320
Summer Begay, Communication Specialist– 970.563.2313


Southern Ute Indian Tribe Celebrates Reaffirmation of AAA Credit Rating

Southern Ute Indian Reservation – The Southern Ute Indian Tribe is proud to announce the reaffirmation of its AAA credit rating by Fitch Ratings.
Fitch Ratings, a global leader in credit ratings and research, has recognized the Southern Ute Indian Tribe’s steadfast dedication to economic stability and prudent financial practices since 2001. The AAA rating reflects the Tribe’s ability to meet financial commitments and uphold a robust financial profile, even in the face of national and global economic challenges.
“We are honored and grateful for the reaffirmation of our AAA credit rating by Fitch Ratings,” said Chairman Melvin J. Baker. “This rating underscores our Tribe’s unwavering commitment to sound financial management, responsible governance, and the well-being of our Tribe.”
The Southern Ute Indian Tribe has consistently demonstrated financial resilience, leveraging strategic investments and responsible fiscal policies to maintain its AAA credit rating. This prestigious rating not only reflects the Tribe’s financial strength but also enhances its ability to pursue economic development initiatives, secure favorable financing terms, and ensure continued prosperity for its members.
“Having an AAA credit rating places the Tribe amongst a very small group of governments and companies that enjoy such a prestigious standing. By way of comparison, Fitch has rated the United States at a lower AA+ level. The AAA rating is reflective of the Tribe’s commitment to sound financial planning and preservation for future generations”, said Permanent Fund Chief Financial Officer, Christine Hudgens.
As the Southern Ute Indian Tribe celebrates this noteworthy achievement, it remains dedicated to continuing its financial excellence and sound practices.